Intuitive Readings

Heart Linda

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” - Dean Koontz

In this one hour experience, connect with your own intuition through an Angel Card Reading that offers clarity, peace and guidance to life’s circumstances. Explore a question or concern and receive direction from your guides.

What is an Intuitive Card Reading?

Intuitive card readings have been used for centuries to connect with the divine and ask for guidance or inspiration. There are many different decks available and you will have the opportunity to select the deck that speaks to you. Intuitive readings are not fortune telling or making predictions about the future. Instead they are an opportunity to connect with the heavens and angels and ask for guidance, a next step or direction that you should pursue. They are a way to receive support from the universe and show you the path of joy and happiness. Sometimes it is difficult to notice or absorb messages that are coming to us, so taking the time to do a card reading is an opportunity to deliberately communicate with the divine and seek guidance for your life.

Why would I want an intuitive reading?

Having an intuitive card reading can help you connect and communicate with the universe. The cards have a way of telling you just what you need to hear and can sometimes reveal issues that have been standing in your way or offer new perspectives that you may not have considered. 

With compassion, love and light, intuitive readings offer you support and can show you the pathway to success, passion and abundance in your life. An intuitive reading offers you an opportunity to gain new insight into your life and will support you on your journey.

Why Linda?

A professional card reading with Linda offers a container to explore your questions, wonderings or problems. Receive love and compassion and know that you are being supported as you move forward. 

Linda offers wisdom, guidance and support and helps you see roadblocks or missing pieces that you may have overlooked. Confirmation can come through the cards and Linda is there to support you and hold space for you to receive divine guidance and direction. 

If you are looking for divine inspiration, are struggling with a problem in your life or are interested in communicating with your spirit guides, book an intuitive reading today! 

Linda, my reading with you was spot on, and came at the perfect time in my life to help me though some tough decisions both with my career and personal struggles, your professional strengths during my reading made me feel, calm and relaxed and I left with a much needed gain in my self worth. Thank you for sharing your gift of a higher place with me.
Successful Entrepreneur

How does it work?

For a typical one to one-and-a-half hour reading, we begin with the Goddesses and Heroines deck where Linda will get a basis for the reading. This determines which Goddess or Heroine has a message for the person being read. It helps establish the theme of what will unfold during the session. This card only takes about 10 minutes to go through.

Next, using a Celtic Cross spread, Linda will consult one of her three Akashic or Archangel decks and deliver your reading

Linda has the availability to read from a variety of decks of cards.

These cards reflect a benevolent Universe that only wants to lead us on a path towards joy and fulfillment. You will receive the answers you seek.

Akashic Tarot Cards

Akashic Tarot Cards

Akashic Tarot

Attract your Greatest Love. Uncover mystical histories and unknown Futures.  You will be transported to the Great Hall of Records to help you discover the unknown. It can also reveal ancient and new talents, unexpected victories, imminent rendezvous, unmet allies and the steps to untold prosperity.

The Akashic records include all of your past lives and all of your future potential and are great fields of wisdom and power that transcend space and time. You can connect with your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and loved ones.

Archangel Michaels Oracle Cards

Archangel Michael Cards

 Archangel Michael
Sword and Shield Oracle

The Sword and Shield Oracle is divinely channeled and takes you on journey through four suits of the Archangel Sacred Circle covering Protection and  Spiritual Gifts from Heaven.

Here you will receive Archangel Michael’s advice to relieve stress and pressure in your life. Learn new powerful protection techniques.

The Sword and Shield Oracle will provide a means for personal spiritual development and enhancement and is a unique source of wisdom for all.

Archangel Power Deck

Archangel Power Deck 

Dreams, hopes, inspiration and deep desires are found in this deck. The Archangels who replace the elements are Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Ariel. These cards also relate to the development and expression of psychic abilities and intuition, and the courage to make the changes.

Kuan Yin Oracle

Kuanyin Oracle goddess cards

KuanYin Oracle

Radiant with Divine Compassion. This Oracle guides you to a place of inner peace and beauty. The messages, inspired by her presence and guiding voice contain her wisdom to help us live a loving and enlightened life that practical, spiritual, and positive.

The practical exercises for each card nourish your your spiritual path, and help you realize that you are a Divine Soul and learn to love, trust and live your highest destiny this lifetime.

May your heart be opened and touched by her grace. May you realize her beauty is a mirror of your own divine Soul.

Rumi Oracle

Rumi Oracle Poet Cards

Rumi Oracle 

An Invitation Into The Heart Of The Divine. 
Rumi Speaks a sacred Language that we understand with our Hearts rather than our mind.

He knows that the Heart is the gateway to Divine Union and he doesn’t want you to play small this life time. His is the path of Love. To dance in Divine Love with him, you need to enter only with your heart.

May the blessings of this spiritual Brother lead you into the bliss of your own Divine heart-centered nature.


Or, You Can Choose a Reading from The Power Deck | The Cards of Wisdom

Most of us have lost touch with our own dreams, that part of ourselves that helps us to manifest our true destiny in life. This deck helps you to find the Power that will change your life. I use these cards daily to strengthen my ability to find true harmony within myself, then to be able to manifest it to the world. It is this harmony that will heal our Great Mother Earth. 

To heal Mother Earth, you must first heal yourself.

The Power deck is simple and concise but full of Ancient Wisdom. They will help you find that silent place within you where truth is born. Each card promotes beauty, health strength and wisdom in your life enabling you to manifest harmony on your planet so that you can become more of a art of the nature and beauty that is around you.

The Sacred Self Wheel spread gives you a six card reading:

South/ Red: Trust and Innocence, the place of the Inner Child

West/Black: Sacred dream, death, rebirth, your adolescent self where emotions live

North/White: Strength and Wisdom where your adult self lives a place of spirit and prayer

East/Yellow: the place of Illumination, of the creativity of the mind, the place of mental powers often of wisdom. A place where the wise one within you lives.

Self card: a wild card because you can be as you are or who you wan to be. What you need to work on. 

Task card: what aspect of you is missing on your path to power.

The Teachings of the Power deck will grow and deepen as you evolve and take power in your life.

It’s no accident you are here.
I look forward to meeting you.

Love Linda


Package 1

30 minute

explorer session

Virtual Video Session or In-Person Local Session


Package 2

1 hour

past, present,
future session

Virtual Video Session or In-Person Local Session


Package 3

1.5 hour (90 minute)

past, present, future, healing session

Virtual Video Session or In-Person Local Session


Hello Friend!

It’s no accident you are here. I’m happy we have found each other today. Take the next step and reach out to me through this contact form.

You can call me directly at 519.528.3722 if you get my voice mail I may be with a client. Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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